Friday, May 7, 2010

Meeting with Managers of the Public Service

Members of your new Assembly have been very busy since they were sworn in as Members on 24 March 2010 and on most days have been attending briefings by the Administration between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm. Managers from the following areas have provided detailed overviews of the operations for which they have oversight – Finance (George Plant, Barry Wilson & Bruce Taylor); Role of Government Secretariat (Elizabeth Burns & Alma Davidson); Registry Office (Alan Bataille); Social Services (Kim Edward); Healthcare/Workers Compensation (Gary Dowling); Tourist Accommodation (Jason Adams); Museums (Lisa Richards); School (Neil Solomon); Information Technology (Steve Matthews); KAVHA (Bruce Baskerville); Planning & Environment (Alan McNeil; Health/Building/Quarantine (Neil Tavener); Waste Management (Malcolm Snell); Norfolk Island Police (Vince Parnell); Customs & Immigration (Alan Buffett); Parks/Forestry/Conservator (Peter Davidson); Legal Services Unit (Wayne Richards); Emergency Services (Gerri Downie); Electricity/Norfolk Energy (John Christian); Public Works (Justin Reynolds); Post Office (Debbie Simpson); Philatelic (Bruce Taylor); Liquor Bond (Douglas Jackson). Members also received comprehensive briefings on Gaming (Rod McAlpine); Norfolk Air (Jeff Murdoch) and Norfolk Island Tourism (Nicole Moore). With the Easter break, time did not allow for the Airport Manager (Glenn Robinson); Telecom Manager (Kim Davies); Hospital (David McCowan) and the Office of the Clerk (Gaye Evans JP) to provide their briefings and they will be held next week as will site inspections of the airport, forestry, waste management, works depot and others.

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