Friday, May 7, 2010

April's News

The weather was perfect for the Anzac Day commemorative services held on Sunday 25 April and we were very pleased that Major General Jeffery AC CVO MC (retired), and Mrs Jeffery were able to be part of those activities. The Chief Minister and the Speaker joined those assembled for the mid morning service and the Speaker laid a wreath at the Cenotaph on behalf the Norfolk Island community and the Legislative Assembly of Norfolk Island. The Norfolk Island cadets played a most commendable role in the various ceremonies under the tutelage of the Minister for Community Services, the Hon Tim Sheridan, in his role of Officer Commanding the 230 Army Cadet Unit Norfolk Island.

Members of the Assembly were very heartened to have an update on Thursday from Mr Mike King MLA on Assembly Member Mrs Rhonda Griffiths. Mr King, who has been to visit Mrs Griffiths at the Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney, sent a heartening email advising, “that Rhonda is doing very well; that there is a marked improvement every day and her wit, her humour and her spirit remain undiminished.” That is very good news.


to Mrs Ruby Mathews on attaining her 104th birthday on the 28th April.

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